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3/15/2025   (10:00am – 12:00pm)

Pregnancy to Preschool Resource Fair/Feria de Prenatal a Preescolar

Addison Public Library, 4 Friendship Plaza, Addison, IL 60101  

Join the Addison Public Library and APPLE (Addison Partners for Play, Learning & Education) for a FREE morning of activities and information! We will have resources about preschools, childcare, parent education, and information focused on expecting parents and parents of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Developmental screenings, giveaways, and a grand prize drawing will also be offered. Drop-in; no need to register!

¡Únase a la biblioteca pública de Addison y APPLE para disfrutar de una mañana GRATIS de actividades e información! Tendremos recursos sobre escuelas preescolares, cuidado infantil, educación para padres e información enfocada en padres de bebés, niños pequeños y niños en edad preescolar. También se ofrecerán exámenes de desarrollo, regalitos y un sorteo de un gran premio. No necesita inscribirse.

Welcome to DuPage All Our Kids Early Childhood Collaboration (DAECC)

The DAECC’s mission is to bring together early childhood professionals, parents, and community stakeholders to promote the healthy development of young children and to ensure that all children have access to high-quality early childhood programs and services.